伏夫 Fú Fū: ‘Fallen Father’ gives the sense of sexual impotence, fitting considering within this context of influence one is obstructed from connecting to the vitality of life. Fú (to lean over/to fall/to conceal oneself/to submit/to lie low) & Fū (husband, porter, man, manual worker).

The 7 Pò or Emotions (aspects/influence) are fundamental breaks between material and living self, the most ‘pathological’ of all influences are these main 7.

憂 Yōu is associated with Fú Fū and translated as ‘oppression’: as something clouding our ability to have enjoyment of life, connect with the world or find joy and connection. This is a profound disconnect from the warmth and vitality of life, one is said to be a ‘a cold fish’. Yáng 阳 aka: Impetuous vivacity/metabolism/dynamic movement is the aspect diminished with Fú Fū’s influence and one is distant from ways of purpose, the love of physical life, compassion/joining/empathy with the emotional world and the reaching towards ‘higher’ things or longer visions/plans. Oppression stands in the way of these things being manifested. Under this influence one may be suicidal, definitely depressed and sexually frigid due to lack of vital aliveness or desire.

憂 Yōu: Oppression: This traditional radicle is similar to sadness where we see the troubles resting on the heart and head while dragging oneself along. Often mentioned in conjunction with other emotions and paired with sadness since oppression usually accompanies. Different from sadness/bēi (refusal, denial) in that Yōu is a contraction and immobilization, contrary to the movement of life. Yōu reinforces an emotion and adds the context of obsessive thought. This context knots the free circulation and hampers Yáng’s vital movements. It is a general opposition to free circulation and blocks the Yáng activity of any Zang: Heart (心), Liver (肝), Spleen (脾), Lung (肺), and Kidney (腎).
In the case of any sort of oppression: gentle and loving physical activity is advised. This could be taking a walk in nature, dynamic like a yoga or dance class, joining a Qi Gong or Tai Chi group in the park. Cardio is helpful, however: the benefits are reached at 15 minutes, running over 25-30 minutes is doing more harm then good. Strength training with a trainer is another possibility; make sure its something you feel a little drawn to! Acupuncture and Herbal Formulas are great allies to invite circulation into the body. Allow gentleness to be another ally, refrain from pushing too hard! Shift habits upon waking and 1 hour before sleep to include stretches like placing a bolster under the upper-mid back and reclining on the floor with arms open, palms facing the sky. Diet is also very important here as outlined in the below photo.

Oppression can be very difficult to shift, I speak from personal experiance. It will take time and gentle persistence. Simply begin by taking small steps. 


Art: Experience of Oppression by Mickaelle Provost


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